Coffee shop in Lviv
Mon - Fri. 09:00 - 18:00
Sat - Sun. 12:00 - 18:00
Kulturrra Coffee Company

Culture (Ukr. «культура») is necessary for making life easier and more delightful. Coffee culture is no exception. With the help of coffee, socializing becomes more pleasant, mornings become cosier, and get-togethers become more heart-warming. Coffee is a kind of occasion, a specific social ritual, glue that helps people come together. “Let’s have a coffee” is, perhaps, one of the most common starting points of most stories among which we live. This is how friendship, love, some interesting projects, and the best things surrounding us start.

The coffee culture has changed recently. Numerous new ways of drinking and brewing, as well as serving methods and dishware have appeared. It is nice that Ukrainian coffee culture is developing and moving forward with the rest of the world. Thanks to this, we have coffee places no worse than European ones, or sometimes even better. However, we follow another path. Quality is more valuable to us than the new ways. We drink coffee from cosy cups which we love and to which we are used to. We need good coffee which would complement our life and not require too much attention. Coffee is about emotions and communication. 

Our coffee is exactly about that. Kulturrra is good coffee selected and bought directly from farmers of Central America. It is exclusively arabica which is actually one of world’s best coffee kinds.

We roast and grind it specially for certain ways of brewing – espresso, cezve or cup. We don’t want to teach anyone how they should brew coffee for themselves. We just want to make really good coffee familiar and comfortable. And honest, because good coffee should not necessarily cost a fortune. :)

Leave pleasure to coffee. For good coffee could be associated with ideas, poetry and communication. It’s important. Because it is the essence of kulturrra. And what is your coffee-drinking about?

Lviv city, 24-26 Starosnesenska Str. 
+38 (063) 061 79 88