How to Brew Good Beer? 5 Golden Rules from Cory McGuinness

The main brewer at Lviv Beer Theatre “Pravda” spoke about the rules of perfectbrewing.

Cory McGuinness worked in severalbreweries in USA, acquired the experience of European breweries and has been making new beer recipes in Lviv since May. He has already brewed blackcurrant ale in Beer Theatre “Pravda”, ales with elderberry, hops from New Zealand and grapefruit. Soon you will taste new beer, made of only Ukrainian ingredients and special ale dedicated to Independence Day of Ukraine.

Cory has told us how to brew good beer that has a long shelf life and doesn’t lose its taste and flavour.

Rule #1. Cleanliness

My biggest and important rule is cleanliness, perfect cleanliness and self-discipline. I like cleanliness, that’s why everything in the brewery must be clean”.

Rule #2. Safety

I mean beer process safety and work safety. The brewers deal with dangerous chemicals (used to clean equipment), hot liquid. We must always be very careful!”

Rule #3. Respect to your work

Our work needs respect. Respect to our processes and what you are doing. You must always think ahead, forecast different situations.”

Rule #4. Love

To love your job is very important, you must work with passion. One can do nothing without love. And I love my work!”, - says Cory McGuinness.

Rule #5. To be creative

You must always try to work with something new, create new recipes. Very important to think broader, be creative and not always work as per the plan. There is such concept as "a happy mistake". For example, it takes two hours to brew wart and the brewers by mistake brewed it two times longer. As a result beer is tastier :). And this is "a happy mistake".

Please also read: The Truth about Beer. Three Most Popular Myths

Beer Theatre Pravda – 32 Rynok Square; 050 37 44 986, 067 310 83 23.

Opening hours: 11:00-02:00, every day. Find us on Facebook.